
What is a JWA scholarship?

Students that receive a JWA scholarship are enrolled for an English summer school at Vacational Studies. The scholarship will cover the course fees for the full course, travel costs, two trips and pocket money.

Our main partner and sponsor in providing scholarships is Vacational Studies represented by its Managing Director and the JWA-founding member Ian Mucklejohn.

He offers one scholarship at no charge each year and the members of JWA are invited to propose worthwhile students who could not afford the course fees and the stay at Vacational Studies on their own. The criterion worthwhile means the student should be eager to learn English as a globally understood language, is open-minded and interested in socialising and international friendship, likes sports activities, plays an instrument or cultivates other hobbies reflecting their public spirited personality.

All this should be proved by the “JWA-Tutor” and a letter of recommendation from a teacher or any other reliable person. Required documents that should be attached to the application form are:

  • Motivation letter by scholarship recipient
  • One or more recommendation letters from a non-relative
  • Latest school report

Only members of the JWA can propose a student for the JWA scholarship. However, if you are not a member and believe you have a suitable candidate, you can contact the board at

Who can receive a JWA scholarship?

Students that are eligible for a JWA scholarship should be:

  • Aged 14 to 16 at the moment of attending the summer school
  • Eager to learn English as a foreign language
  • Open-minded, interested in socialising and in making international friendships
  • Willing to join in sports and activities
  • Unable to pay the course fees themselves

How to apply for a JWA scholarship?

You should follow the following process for proposing a candidate for the JWA scholarship.





1. Application form

Deadline: 22 September 2023

In order to propose a candidate for the JWA scholarship, you should fill in the application form on our website and attach the documents as stated above.


2. Application review

Within four weeks after applying

The board of the JWA will review your application and check whether your candidate is suitable for the JWA scholarship.

JWA Board

3. Interview director Vacational Studies

Before October 2023

The candidate will have a digital meeting with Ian Mucklejohn, director of Vacational Studies, to assess whether he/she will be a right fit for the course.

Candidate and

Director Vacational Studies

4. Evaluation

October 2023

During the yearly meeting, the members will choose the most suitable candidate(s) for the JWA scholarship.

JWA members

5. Decision

Before January 2024

You will receive an e-mail with the decision regarding your scholarship application. If granted, please proceed to the following section. If declined, we will provide you with the reason.

JWA Board

How to proceed after receiving a JWA scholarship?

The following process needs to be followed by the candidate and/or the candidate’s parents/guardians.




1. Vacational Studies Application form

Deadline: 1 February 2024

You should fill in the Vacational Studies application form.

2. Choose 2 trips

As soon as possible after registration.

On the application form, you can choose up to two trips you would like to go to. This will be paid directly by the JWA. Any additional trips you select will have to be paid by yourself.

3. Book flights

Deadline: 1 April 2024

You should book flights to London Heathrow yourself. When you share a copy of the tickets, the money will be refunded by the JWA.

4. Receiving pocket money

June 2024

The pocket money will be transferred to Vacational Studies directly by the JWA and will be available upon arrival.

5. Start of the course

7 July – 3 August 2024

Now that everything is arranged you can enjoy the summer at Vacational Studies!

6. Review

Deadline: 15 September 2024

We would like to know how you experienced both the application process and the course itself. It would be nice to hear what you liked most and how you have developed yourself during the course.

Other Scholarships

Aside from this first, original project JWA supports – following its goal of promoting International Communication and Understanding – other projects. The decisions on such projects are taken during the “Meetings“.